Alex is serving from the Canton Michigan Ward in the Chiclayo Peru mission from October 2019 to November 2021.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Week #47 - Sonoma, California - September 14, 2020

Hey, so with all the insanity of the fires here, the sky turned yellow and was super cool looking. We shouldn't be walking around too much because the smoke can get in our lungs. If we do so, well it wouldn't be too good. 

So I'm still having a good time in Sonoma, Our teaching pool doubled in a short amount of time, and most of them are Hispanics, which is good because we can practice our Spanish all the time (mine's the best in our companionship XD). I'm kidding, but my Spanish is insanely good now. Feeling confident about it. Glad I got moved to another Spanish speaking area on transfers a few weeks ago

My new comps are pretty cool. They are Elder Nicholas and Elder Scott. We're working pretty hard and it's needed cause we have found that Sonoma is a pretty rich and prideful area. Here are some cool pictures from the sky and other things. Yes that's the sun in the first pic. (Sorry, I don't like to write much but I'll do better)

New comps -- Elder Scott (in back) and Elder Nicholas

Elder Scott, Elder Nicholas and Elder Dyal

Wildfire smoke is in the air

Smoke in Sonoma

Smoke and red sky in the evening 

Monday, September 7, 2020

Week #46 - Sonoma, California - September 7, 2020

I'm gonna be really fast cause I dislike writing weekly's. Yeah, so I'm the only one that got yeeted from my district in the last transfer. The only one! I haven't sent any emails in this past transfer but it’s been a few weeks now, so that's cool. Since I've been gone, the Laguna District in Santa Rosa dropped its coolness by like 90%, it was a really sad day. My new area is Sonoma, I'm in a sistrict (lots of sisters), so that's pretty nice. It's also a super rich area here, which is awesome. I love trying to deal with people like this. Gonna be different from my last area. And I’m still in a Spanish speaking area and in a trio of missionaries, Elders Nicholas and Scott.

So me and one of my new comp both have really bad resting faces, if you know what I mean. So during zone conference we both just looked super depressed, and I guess that concerned everyone because the STLs and the Zone leaders and the APs all called us after it was over and asked if we were doing okay. It's just hilarious that everyone always assumes I'm mad or sad or something.

So we have this girl who we are teaching with a baptismal date but we haven't been able to contact her at all the last week. She just wouldn't answer her phone ever. We figured out after speaking with her Grandma that she works at a salon. My hair was getting pretty long, so I had the brilliant idea to go over and get a haircut in the middle of the week. Sure enough, she was there and was pretty taken aback. But she pretended like everything was normal and cut my hair, but in the middle of the cut she asked how I knew where to find her. I didn't know what to say, so I just played dumb and was like: "oH i DiDn'T kNoW yOu wORkeD hEre!" But don't worry, the ‘recon mission’ was successful and we were able to have good contact that day.

-Elder Dyal