Alex is serving from the Canton Michigan Ward in the Chiclayo Peru mission from October 2019 to November 2021.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Week #33 - Santa Rosa, California - June 8, 2020

Hey guys,

Ay! So I don’t actually know when transfers are going to happen. With all the chaos of new missionaries coming in, it seems transfers will be next week on June 15th. It was supposed to be this week.

But anyways, there’s not too much actually happening though. We are still quarantined in California. We still need to wear masks and can't get out to teach people. There's no sign of us in Sonoma County opening up anytime soon. So we're held up in our apartments all day long doing ‘finding on Facebook’, teaching people on social media, and calling members. Facebook finding is an interesting feat. We are all still figuring out effective ways to find people. There is one thing I did which was kind of interesting:

So this week I joined a few Christian groups on Facebook thinking maybe I could have a greater outreach. My companions and I had put some free Bibles on the Facebook marketplace, but no one wanted them, so I thought I could do better. After being accepting into one of the Christian groups, I posted something about turning to Christ during these hard times. This post got a lot of attention as opposed to the usual stuff on the page, so I was happy about that. Unfortunately as the day went on, people noticed my post and started revolting against me even though my message was nothing but positive. They claimed that if there were any issues, they would "kick all the Mormons out" of the group, and started saying negative things about the church. Now I've seen this many times before, random anger directed at our religion and our beliefs. And it’s very clear to me where this anger derives from. I'm just surprised by the anger about a positive message. Very odd times! 

So they speak 'Mexican Spanish' here in Cali, and it's a little confusing to me, but I can still mostly understand it. We went to a member's home where he gave us some pretty good authentic Mexican food. It was nice to eat outside the apartment for a change, so that's cool because I'm terrible at cooking.

Anyway, this week has been cool. I hope that soon we'll be getting out more as things open up.

Elder Dyal

 My post on Facebook that got so heated. Not sure why?

 Elder Dyal in Santa Rosa

 Other missionaries in the Santa Rosa area

Elder Dyal and his companions posing for a picture

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